All of the seminars that are advertised can be brought directly to your organization or school for onsite delivery. They are delivered by our Master Instructors and can be tailored to your exact specifications. YOU can have total control over the agenda. Our training staff will “Shape it” and “Deliver it” to meet your needs. In addition, our on-site capacity includes problem-solving consultation for the unique situations you may be facing. Take advantage of our experience!
- Tailored to meet your specific needs!
- Providing high powered training directly to your staff gives them an opportunity to experience the experts first hand!
- Available to assist in program development & troubleshooting!
- Your staff get the materials & the model!
- Need help with licensing? We have licensing experts!
Click on a seminar to learn more
Crisis Intervention Curriculum for Foster Parents
This 1-day workshop is a SCM Instructor training opportunity for those working with foster parents. Organizations working with foster parents are faced with the difficulty of training temporary guardians in behavior intervention.
JKM Training, Inc. believes organizations must be very careful in how they equip foster parents to intervene with children when they exhibit behaviors of concern. This program provides a recommended SCM curriculum for foster care. In addition to the recommended curriculum, this workshop will explore training problems specific to the foster parent audience. Specific learning exercises on modeling conflict resolution, corrective teaching, giving/receiving feedback and using planned consequences will also be provided. In addition, the program will examine policy issues related to training foster parents in emergency safety physical interventions.
Upon completion of this workshop Counselors, Teachers, Direct Care Staff, Para-Professionals, Administrators and Parents will be able to…
- A recommended SCM curriculum to use with foster parents
- How to equip foster parents with the ability to effectively intervene when behaviors of concern occur
- Effective training exercises that build foster parent skills
- How to solve problems specific to training foster parents
- How to identify organization policy issues that must be resolved prior to training foster parents
For a free price quote to bring this program directly to your organization– Give us a call today 1.866.960-4SCM!
Defusing Disruptive Behavior
This workshop is designed to provide para-professionals and classroom educators with an understanding of student behavior that is disruptive and potentially dangerous. Participants will learn how to adjust their responses to prevent a student’s acting-out behavior as well as enhance their skill base in managing and de-escalating disruptive student behavior. Educators will be able to differentiate appropriate interventions for various levels of behavior and gain practical “how to” strategies to defuse student misbehaviors in the classroom setting.
Upon completion of this workshop Counselors, Teachers, Direct Care Staff, Para-Professionals, Administrators and Parents will be able to…
- Identify sources of disruptive behavior
- Effectively de-escalate disruptive student behavior
- Differentiate interventions for various types of disruptive behavior
- Defuse the highly volatile situation
- Discover personal triggers & techniques to maintain professionalism
Onsite Training: For a free price quote to bring this program directly to your organization/school – Give us a call today!
Challenging Moments – SCM Instructor Certification Parent Training Program
JKM Training, Inc. is pleased to announce the availability of a new training curriculum. The SCM Instructor Curriculum for Parents will be offered to certified SCM Instructors in a single day, Training of Trainers format on various dates throughout the year.
During the past several years, requests for a parent training program have increased significantly. To meet the need, JKM Training, Inc. has transposed core concepts of the SCM curriculum to address issues faced by parents. This curriculum has been in development for more than a year. It has been field tested with several parent groups and has been well received.
SCM Instructors that attend the single day program will be certified to provide the curriculum to parents served by their agency or school. They will be provided with an Instructor’s Guide, a Power Point presentation and the right to purchase the official “Parent Workbook” required for the program.
The SCM Instructor Curriculum for Parents includes family-based strategies for prevention, de-escalation, emergency safety physical interventions and after-incident actions. SCM Instructors will be encouraged to provide training that is tailored to family situations.
The Instructor’s Guide will provide suggestions for organizing and delivering parent sessions, insights on training parent groups, as well as, guidance regarding liability issues. A model waiver document will be provided.
Reducing Restraints
Do any of these crisis behavior management problems sound familiar regarding emergency safety physical interventions???
- Every day you read documentation that includes emergency safety physical interventions
- Medical staff report many minor injuries related to emergency safety physical interventions
- Supervisors are always defending staff actions
- Licensing staff are always doing investigations
- Staff injuries & workman’s compensation claims are increasing
- Staff are calling off sick too often
Recent policy changes, best practice standards and proposed regulations have caused organizations and schools across the country to examine how frequently misbehavior results in the use of physical intervention. If your organization is experiencing too many emergency safety physical interventions, this program is for you! JKM Senior Trainers lead this one day workshop designed to provide strategies to reduce the number of emergency safety physical interventions that occur at your organization.
Find out what research says about the most likely time for acting out behavior!
Find out the variables that prompt this behavior!
Learn to use an education strategy to work with that special individual who acts out continuously!
The workshop explores the policy issues, training issues, supervision issues, performance issues and staff norms that reinforce the frequent use of emergency safety physical interventions. In addition, participants will develop an analysis of your program’s design/delivery related to ESPI frequency.
If your organization/school is experiencing too many ESPIs,this program is for you!!
For a free price quote to bring this program directly to your organization– Give us a call today 1.866.960-4SCM!
Reducing Training Drift
Do Any of These Crisis Behavior Management Problems Sound Familiar Regarding Training Drift??
- Documentation of behavior management incidents is not clear!
- Staff injuries are increasing!
- Client/student injuries are increasing!
- Staff are critical regarding SCM Training!
- Staff just don’t “Get It”!
- Staff never use the “Professional Library”!
- We only have one person in each building who is competent in SCM!
- Abuse allegations are increasing!
This one-day workshop is designed for SCM Instructors & supervisors and will focus on the issue of “Training Drift” or the erosion of skills and information by staff after their initial SCM training. Staff begin to forget what they have been taught by instructors immediately after leaving their training session. In fact, up to 60% of what was taught may be lost after just 8 hours!
Managing the reality of employee drift presents a variety of challenges for managers and trainers. This workshop will present training strategies to increase your staff’s retention of the information and skills that they are taught.
In addition, time will be provided to examine the effect of organizational/school norms that may encourage drift. When performance expectations are incongruent with training curriculum, drift is inevitable. Strategies to counteract this phenomenon will also be explored.
Your program leader for this workshop, Charley Cheek, Executive Training Director, has developed and perfected training techniques for “Reducing Training Drift” with 30 plus years of training and consulting experience for various organizations across the country. In addition, with experience as a Residential Care Manager, Charley brings real life solutions to this unique training problem. Come and learn proven techniques and strategies that are guaranteed to maintain your staff’s retention of the information and skills learned in training.
- Explore the Agency Commitment to Quality Care
- Examine the Difference between Learning & Retention
- Identify the Two Variables that make a Difference in Learning & Retention
- Identify Routine Barriers of Learning & Retention and how to Eliminate them
- Identify Policy Issues that make a Real Difference in this Process
- Explore how to Create a Positive Learning Environment
- Identify the Training Methods that Effect Retention
- Examine Proven Strategies that Reinforce Retention
For a free price quote to bring this program directly to your organization– Give us a call today 1.866.960-4SCM!
SCM for the Autism Spectrum
Traditional means of crisis intervention and de-escalation are sometimes ineffective with individuals with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) due to core diagnostic components such as language deficits (both receptive and expressive) and the inability to read non-verbal cues (facial expressions, body language, etc.). It often takes specialized training and experience to be effective in addressing the challenging behaviors that may be associated with an ASD.
This addition to the SCM continuum provides vital information on Autism Spectrum Disorders for your staff, such as prevalence, diagnostic criteria, behavioral presentation (to include communication, social skills, and sensory issues), and real-life examples to solidify understanding of the functions of behavior with regard to this population. Functional analysis of behavior is explained in a concrete manner that any professional can utilize when attempting to develop a behavior support plan for an individual on the Autism Spectrum. This course also provides specific function-based interventions that can be immediately and successfully implemented and monitored. As this training is built upon the framework of the core components of a general SCM course, currently trained staff/certified trainers will find the curriculum easy to follow and apply within current programmatic structures.
Participants will be able to:
- Discuss diagnostics and behaviors related to ASD
- Identify proactive approaches to prevent behaviors of concern common with ASD
- Conduct an assessment to identify function of behavior
- Develop appropriate interventions based upon function
- Design a strengths-based behavior support plan
- Implement secondary strategies to de-escalate a possible crisis situation
- Implement emergency safety interventions
- Complete, review and evaluate the incident
For a free price quote to bring this program directly to your organization/school – Give us a call today 1.866.960-4SCM!
Supervision of SCM Performance
Too often supervisors and administrators assume that staff training programs guarantee quality performance. This assumption is a critical error! While formal training programs are one element of the success formula, staff supervision is the vehicle by which skills learned in training are actualized into performance. This is especially true in the area of crisis behavior management. Once Safe Crisis Management training has occurred, employees must be supervised in the performance of SCM skills. Joe Mullen, President of JKM Training has designed this 2-day workshop for supervisors charged with the oversight of staff who perform crisis intervention with individuals in their care.
Organizations & schools that have taken advantage of this program, report dramatic positive results when the supervisory strategies are employed. This highly focused workshop establishes performance expectation priorities using proactive and reactive supervision strategies, explores supervisor liability and documentation issues, and provides interviewing techniques to be used when the need for corrective action exists. In addition, game plan for return to work is developed by each participant.
What Can I Expect to Learn at this Workshop:
Supervisor liability issues
A model for organizational success
Differences between line worker and supervisors (responsibilities & expectations)
Supervision roles
Supervision modes
Supervision vehicles
How to reduce the number of physical interventions
Proactive opportunities
The four commandments for team success
Incident supervision
Coaching intervention
Quick assessment
Safety monitor
Therapeutic monitor
Communication issues
Ensuring follow-up
Reactive supervision
The corrective interview model
Documentation issues
Employee performance evaluations
Ensuring employee growth & development
Organization-wide crisis intervention performance evaluations
Good and bad supervision
Game plan for success
For a free price quote to bring this program directly to your organization– Give us a call today 1.866.960-4SCM!
Bring Our Seminars To You
If you would like to bring one of our seminars to your location, please let us know. Simply call, email, fax, write or even stop in!
JKM Training, Inc.
1710 Ritner Highway, Suite 1
Carlisle, PA 17013
[email protected]
PH: 1-866-960-4SCM
FX: 1-717-960-0458